Week 14 Climate Change: Saudi Arabia

 Climate change affects many areas of the world differently some may even make certain parts colder but for Saudi Arabia's case it accentuates problems that it already has like its dry soil. I have mentioned that the soil is the main reason why floods are far more dangerous for Saudi Arabia well that is because the evapotranspiration of the water from the plants have increased over the past 30 years from 1961 to 1991 as this picture bring our attention to image (a) is showing that not too much evaporation is going on the soil and plants retained their water. Now looking at image (b) we see that the plants evapotranspiration is very high which aides in the dry soil that Saudi has. This is only a small part of what climate change has done and will do for Saudi in the long run. increased flooding due to rising sea levels, longer droughts, more frequent dust storms and many more.

The only way to help stop this or to mitigate is for the Saudi Government to fund more services that deal with helping people in floods and trying to plant more native plants that are drought proof and help the environment not be as dry or to at least stop it from getting drier.


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