Week 3 Earthquakes: Saudi Arabia

 As was mentioned in last weeks blog, because the Arabian plate is diverging with the African plate thus converging with the Eurasia plate. This causes a lot of earthquakes to happen, BUT said earthquakes are not in the country of Saudi Arabia itself those earthquakes are located on the Southern Coast of Iran. but to say no earthquakes hit Saudi Arabia would be false, as you can see on the top of the Red sea there are earthquakes that happen close to the Saudi Arabian cities of Tabuk and al Bi'r. in a document speaking on the disaster preparedness of Saudi Arabia it was reported that from 2000 to 2009, 433 people have died from natural disaster's (not counting the Hajj Stampede of 2015) none of these natural disasters were earthquakes so the country is not doing much about it because there isnt much to worry about most of there natural disasters come from floods.

Picture Source: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the Arabian Peninsula | SpringerLink

Info source: Disaster Preparedness in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: Exploring and Evaluating the Policy, Legislative Organisational Arrangements Particularly During the Hajj Period (ejeph.com)


  1. This was a good seismic reflection!

  2. Your country is similar to mine, the Netherlands, in that regard, not a lot of natural seismic activity so not a lot, or even nothing as one blog poster suggested, being done to retrofit or prepare in advance. Being from California for some reason I guess I thought it was standard for everyone to think about their buildings and engineer them in a way that is earthquake safe, just in case, but clearly no. I guess the same can probably be said even for different areas within our own country and some states prepare for earthquakes, and some for hurricanes, tornadoes etc.


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