Final Hazards Report: Saudi Arabia

 Final Assessment on Saudi Arabia's Natural Disaster's:

Throughout these past 16 weeks we have learned about the beautiful country of Saudi Arabia through its most devastating natural disasters we have covered Volcanic Eruptions, Landslides, floods, drought and wildfire and many others. We learned that Saudi Arabia has a while valley of active volcanoes that are not really too much of a threat due to the last eruption being almost 200 years ago and we learned how often floods and droughts happen to this country. Since they happen so often, they are the ones I will be focusing on mitigating or at least making a quick enough response to deal with these issues after they happen.

The biggest hazards that the country of Saudi Arabia faces are the ones that were brought up multiple times for multiple weeks and they are flooding and droughts/extreme heat. As was mentioned previously these issues go hand in hand. The extreme heat dries up the soil and arid climate makes it so that droughts periods happen for longer and more often. The dry hard soil makes it difficult to absorb any water into the soil to mitigate any flooding, but that ends up being the case so floods are a frequent in Saudi Arabia from the coast with the help of rain and from the rain itself. The wet season's for Saudi Arabia sees a heavy downpour of rain but again it is not absorbed and the climate prevents the water from staying it instead evaporates

Well rain is necessary and cannot be stopped so the best mitigation tactics is having more drought resistant plants present and strengthening the Civil defense that Saudi Arabia has when it comes to the flood season. Saudi Arabia mobilizes boats with teams trained to deal with floods and helping people get to safety. Whether that be to higher ground or to a shelter that is farther inland. Another reccomendation I could give to is to have facilities that collect rainwater in the areas that get the most rain and to filter it and distribute the water. This is just ways to turn something that hurts people to something that can be a blessing in disguise to the people of Saudi Arabia.

The areas where the floods affect Saudi Arabia are found more are the coasts and not as close to the inland although the inland is affected too at times it is not the biggest threat. So the best place to live in Saudi Arabia would be inland and at high elevations. this does not completely stop the issue of the drought or the heat but the most devastating of the natural disasters being floods is mitigated a little more and if you are rich and have a big home you can make part of your home a shelter. the culture in Saudi Arabia is more community oriented than the United States and people are more welcoming to help others at any given moment.

Another thing about Saudi Arabia and the area that has the most Natural disaster's affect it is in the South westerm part of the country bordering Yemen so it would be the place where the most funding will go to and will have the most equipment situated in order to kep the area safe.

info sources: Identification of droughts over Saudi Arabia and global teleconnections | SpringerLink

Think Hazard - Saudi Arabia - Coastal flood

Saudi Arabia – Severe Floods Hit Jeddah After 179mm of Rain in 6 Hours – FloodList

Saudi Arabian Culture - Core Concepts — Cultural Atlas (


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