Week 5 Volcanoes: Saudi Arabia

 As I look more and more into my country I get more and more astonished with my findings. I never knew there were volcanoes in Saudi Arabia but here they are. Saudi Arabia in-fact has 10 volcanoes (see numbers 3 through 13). You can safely assume that the reason why they are not spoken of much is due to all of them not erupting in recent times. The most well known and documented volcano eruption was Harrat Rahat (highlighted in orange). it Erupted in 1256 June 5th. The largest VEI reported by the ten volcanoes was 3 and it was by Harrat Rahat.

On Think Hazard Saudi Arabia was given a high risk for a volcanic disaster to happen which means that all forms of infrastructure and buildings should keep in mind that possibility of a potential explosion. Many things were recommended like a early action warning system with what we found out from the previous blog posts having earthquake detector off the cost of the Red sea to warn the public of potential volcanic activity and a quick evacuation to the inland of Saudi Arabia.


  1. Yes, it is amazing what we can discover once we dig a little deeper!-I'm happy you are enjoying your research. I am definitely enjoying learning about Saudi Arabia!


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